
The committee has various activities aimed at climate change mitigation and adaptation. There are currently seven members and two alternates. The charge was extended and membership increased at the Selectboard meeting in April 2019.

The charge of the Wellfleet Energy and Climate Action Committee is to reduce the community’s contribution to climate change, with a focus on ensuring our energy infrastructure is cleaner, leaner, and more resilient, and to prepare, coordinate and execute mitigation actions and adaptation strategies that anticipate and respond to the effects of climate change.  This will include:

  • Establishment of energy and emissions inventories for the Town and the setting of goals for energy and emissions reductions.
  • Assessment of the scope for energy conservation and for renewable energy use in Town buildings and by Town transport.
  • Recommendation of feasible projects for energy conservation and for renewable energy use.
  • Review of Town by-laws to promote energy conservation and renewable energy use
  • Educational outreach for Wellfleet citizens
  • Formulate and advance mitigation and adaptation strategies as outlined in the 2018 Wellfleet Comprehensive Plan Section 10 on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies.
  • Educate and engage residents and businesses on expected climate change hazards and impacts and mitigation opportunities.

The Energy Committee will work in cooperation with other Town Boards and Committees, as well as with Town employees, in carrying out its charge. This will include but not be limited to cooperation and liaison with the:

  1. Building and Needs Assessment Committee in assessing the efficiency of energy use in existing and new Town buildings,
  2. Conservation Commission in carrying out planned actions,
  3. Natural Resources Advisory Board,
  4. Friends of the Herring River,
  5. Shellfish Advisory Board,
  6. Open Space Committee,
  7. Planning Board in assessing the efficacy of Town by-laws.

The Committee will also seek the cooperation and assistance of relevant governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, and the public.


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As approved by the Selectboard on April 5, 2019, the committee has two areas of focus: Climate Change Mitigation, and Climate Adaptation Action. The committee also has two constituencies: the Town government and the individual residents, homeowners, and businesses of Wellfleet. Climate Change Mitigation essentially consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in three ways: renewable …


There are currently five members and two alternates. This should become seven members after the Selectboard meeting.
